step up for down syndrome:
this morning our little family took the light rail down to asu and even though i didn't think we were going to actually walk in the parade, we did. at first maya was fast asleep (she woke up quite early). her power nap ended just in time for the parade. it did seem that she enjoyed being in her dada's arms and seeing the crowd. i think next year will really be a treat for her because she will be able to get around and interact with others.

our very supportive friend came with us and made it even more special. it was a great adventure, complete by us taking a round trip light rail ride and having lunch together afterward.

this is our second year of halloween with maya. even though i know maya is too young to know what halloween is all about it was a nice experience. there is something really cute about little kids dressing up. it is a time when make believe is accepted (and rewarded with candy). i think maya did rather well in being patient with us while we collected candy for her.
at the end of the night when we stopped off at our neighbors house for our last trick or treat, maya was offered the bowl of candy. we encouraged her to take a piece of candy and sure enough she took two chocolates and dropped it right into her pumpkin basket. we all cheered.
that was the best ending to my day.