maya, her dada and i have all caught a horrible cold. today it will be one week that we have it. we are all struggling to shake it off. honestly maya isn't being that put off by it. during the day she is just fine. it's mostly at night when she struggles with her stuffy nose. last night she woke up all in a panic because she felt like she couldn't breath. it sort of freaked me out a bit. i think this is basically our first real bout with a cold since she has been born. i can't help but think that if i was still nursing this might not have happened. oh well, i suppose it had to come about some time.
so today while i was surfing i came across a blog about people who have adopted a child with

i have often thought about the idea of adopting a child, way before maya was born, even before i met my husband. now that i have maya of course my focus has changed. but somewhere in the back of my mind, i have a wish to adopt someone who deserves a home. i have always thought there are so many who deserve love and do not get it...and after seeing all the children on this site, i feel it even more so because of the neglect they receive because of their disabilities.
i have enjoyed reading and and viewing photos of these families journey. somehow reading their blogs takes away the mystery of adopting a child. it shows that it can be done. and that it can truly enrich your life.
here are a few:
hidden treasures
the 30 day journey.....for hope
newbold family's adoption journey
the road to nazereth