I'm writing today because I am listening to Maya try and pronounce words. This feels like a miracle. Before she didn't even try. It was like pulling teeth to get her to get her to say B. She responds so much better to music. But now, I hear her trying to say words like Broccoli. Without any prompting. Wow!
The other day she was watching Elmo, the scene was winter, and Elmo was wearing a jacket. She turned to me and said "Cooooold" And signed it at the same time.
I couldn't believe my ears, so I asked her to say it again, and she did.
Sometimes I forget how resilient she is. She adjusts to change so easily. Unlike myself. We have gone through so many changes in the last few months, different music therapists, new respite, saying goodbye to her sensory OT and having a new one work with her. Yet through all this, she is growing.
In the last few weeks I've seen a breakthrough. The words are there. She is trying. They aren't
perfect, but she is using her voice. And her voice is amazing!