as maya grows right before my eyes, i see how a human can be molded to be the person they will become. so many times, i've looked at myself and wondered what would i have been if i would have had better role models. when these thoughts come to me i feel more determined to be a better person and mother for my daughter.

maya is my inspiration in so many ways. when i look at her and see how she is becoming her own person, i think that i could not ask for a better child. i cannot see my life without her just as she is. she is perfectly maya.
there are times when i wonder if i should be more sad because she has down syndrome. yes, of course i feel brief moments of sadness when i think of how others might treat her unfairly in the future. or of the struggles she might have to face after we are gone. but most minutes, hours and days i feel proud that she is my daughter. because she is who she is, i have decided to devote my life, to her life. it seems that no other thing matters to me more now that i have her.
when i think about making art, all i can think about is how maya is my muse. maya is my art. sometimes when it's just me and her, and she is looking directly into my eyes, i know deep in my heart that she is the best thing that i have ever made.